Angela Timmann-Mjaaland

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Academic interests

My main academic interest is the study of theology and leadership. In my ongoing PhD-project Ministers Leading Ministers I investigate how the leadership of ministers is conceived theologically today. Pastoral theology become topical when the tasks, role and identity of the minister is scrutinized and we discuss the aim of the church as organization: What is the aim and justification of the church and how can we understand the minister as leader within the organization? How can we rethink the relationship between pastoral theology and ecclesiology? These are some of the questions in my PhD-project. Due to my background as an ordained minister, I am also interested in the field of youth ministry and spirituality.

PhD project

Ministers Leading Ministers (Når prester leder prester) 

This is a qualitative study on the leadership of and by ministers in organizational changes with explicit focus on pastoral theology. I have conducted interviews with bishops, deans and parish ministers who are connected in a hierarchal structure as employer and employee. The thesis is article-based.

  1. Timmann-Mjaaland, Angela (2019). Kall og autoritet. En studie av sokneprestens autoritet i endringsprosesser. Tidsskrift for praktisk teologi. ISSN-1893-4773. 36(1), s. 62-73 (peer reviewed)
    English title: Vocation and authority. A study of authority among parish ministers in change processes
  2. Teologi som støy. Hvilken betydning har prosters og biskopens embetsteologi, i ledelsen av sokneprester? (arbeidstittel), forventet utgivelse 2020
    Theology as noise. How does the pastoral theology of bishops and deans influence their actual leadership?  (working title; to be published 2020)
  3. Motivasjon og kall. Biskopenes og prosters refleksjoner hvordan man kan optimere sokneprestens tidsbruk og engasjement. (arbeidstittel), forventet utgivelse 2021
    Motivation and vocation. Bishops and deans reflecting on how to optimize the working schedule and engagement among parish ministers. (working title; to be published 2021)

Courses taught

In 2013/2014, and 2014/2015 I taught KRIS1820 Teologisk grunnutdanning for Ten Sing Norway.

In 2014/2015 I was groupteacher in TEOL4534 Pastoral lederutvikling (Advanced education in Pastoral leadership) and in 2015-2016 I taught single lessons on leadership i.e. at the Practical Theological Seminary.


I have studied protestant theology at the Universities of Hamburg (D), Göttingen (D), Heidelberg (D), I finished the studies as a cand. theol at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo (N). In 2002 I was ordained as minister in the Church of Norway. I worked 10 years as a minister in Tonsen parish (Oslo) and a short period in a project church for young adults (Majorstua in Oslo). In my work as a minister, I was particulary interested in religious education, youth work and spirituality. In 2009-2010 I was project leader for the ecumenical meeting “Taizé year 2010” under the umbrella of the Christian Council of Norway.  In 2013, I started as a PhD student at the Practical-theological Seminary, which since 2017 is a part of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo.

Positions held

  • 2013-2016 Leader for the recruitment project for theology students (Practical Theological Seminary)


  • Member of the Research school RVS (Religion, Value, Society)
Tags: Practical Theology, Pastoral Theology, Ecclesiology, Hermeneutics, Sociology of Religion


  • Timmann-Mjaaland, Angela (2021). Kall og arbeidsgiveransvar i ledelsen av prester. Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT). ISSN 1893-4773. doi: 10.48626/tpt.v38i2.5449.
  • Timmann-Mjaaland, Angela (2021). Endringsledelse i kirken krever nye teologiske modeller. Forhandlinger om ekklesiologi i ledelsen av prester. Teologisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 1893-0263. p. 76–91. doi: 10.18261/issn.1893-0271-2021-02-03. Full text in Research Archive
  • Timmann-Mjaaland, Angela (2019). Kall og autoritet. Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT). ISSN 1893-4773.

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Published June 19, 2017 12:08 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2019 12:36 PM