A webinar on migration, (non)citizenship, race and belonging

Migration challenges what it means to be a member and who is entitled to call themselves citizens. Migration, however, also challenges what it means to claim rights and what kind of human, social and legal dignity mobile people are in their right to claim.

An underpass with the words "Home is where your heart is" is spray-painted. Picture

Photo: Kaia Rønsdal

The Nordhost research project invites all to participate, as listeners and as discussants, to the first Nordhost webinar on migration, (non)citizenship, race and belonging


The webinar will open with 20 minute presentations  from two creative scholars, dr. Tendayi Bloom and dr. Marta Bivand Erdal. Bloom’s  concept of the lived reality of noncitizenship argues that migrants should not only be considered within the  liberal trajectory where citizenship is the ultimate goal. Migration movements should also be considered as noncitizenship movements  with their own entitlements to agency and dignity. Marta Bivand Erdal pursues migration research both in Asia and in Europe, including Norway.  Drawing on recent article, How citizenship matters (or not): the citizenship–belonging nexus explored among residents in Oslo, Norway, shedigs into impediments and expectations regarding citizenship status among people living in Norway. Race and agency are central, and inextricably linked to how boundaries of national belonging are imagined and experienced.

The talks will be followed by a discussion between the two scholars and, towards the end, with  other participants at the webinar. Welcome!


Dr. Marta Bivand Erdal. PhotoDr. Marta Bivand Erdal is a human geographer, and research director at Prio (The Peace Research Institute Oslo). Her academic interests include interactions of migrant transnationalism and integration; belonging, citizenship and diversity, and migration and religion. She is also co-director if the newly established PRIO Migration Center, which focuses on how states, groups and individuals engage with, and are affected by migration.

Dr. Tendayi Bloom. PhotoDr. Tendayi Bloom is a researcher in political and legal theory at the University of Birmingham, UK. Her academic interests include issues of 'noncitizenship', statelessness and human mobility. She is currently working on these issues in the context of global governance with migration.

About NordHost

NordHost: Nordic Hospitalities in a Context of Migration and Refugee Crisis (2017-2020) is an international, interdisciplinary research group funded by UIO: Nordic. The group explored Nordic civil society practices that oppose and challenge the existing border regimes and examine what kind of values are emerging within such practices. Previous research indicates that some of these practices are ground for creating alternative identities, where not only hosts, but also migrants themselves act beyond the host/guest binary and seem to become more active subjects and agents.

Two publications have developed from this project:

  • Bendixsen, Synnøve K. N./Wyller Trygve (eds.). 2019. Contested Hospitalities in a Time of Migration: Religious and Secular Counterspaces in the Nordic Region, (Religion, Resistance, Hospitalities), Routledge
  • Nahnfeldt, Cecilia/Rønsdal, Kaia S. (eds). 2021. Contemporary Christian-Cultural Values: Migration Encounters in the Nordic Region, (Religion, Resistance, Hospitalities), Routledge
Published Apr. 8, 2021 8:57 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2022 9:07 PM