Hotels in Oslo

Rooms have been reserved at the hotels listed below. Please contact the hotel of your choice directly. NB: Some hotels need to be booked rather quickly, indeed as soon as possible.

Hotel Scandic St. Olavs plass

Hotel Scandic St.Olavs plass is the main conference hotel. 25 rooms have been reserved. Breakfast is included.

  • Price for single rooms: NOK 3.390,-
  • Price for double rooms: NOK 3.590,-

Booking number/reference number: 46194847

Street address: St. Olavs Plass 1

Telephone: +47 23 15 56 00


Deadline for booking: 30 April 2017.

Voksenåsen hotell

A beautiful conference hotel at Holmenkollen, far from the city center but with an excellent view. 12 rooms have been reserved.

  • Price for single rooms: NOK 980,-

Booking/reference number: 473265

Street address: Ullveien 4, 0791 Oslo

Telephone: +47 22 81 15 00


Deadline for booking:  7 April 2017.

Sankta Katarinahjemmet

This is the reasonable alternative. Katarinahjemmet is a guest house run by a Catholic congregation of Dominican Sisters. 10 room has been reserved, of which 3 can be used as double rooms. Breakfast costs NOK 50,-. Please contact them by email or by the contact form on their webpage, and not by phone.

  • Price for single rooms: NOK 500,-
  • Price for double rooms: NOK 800,-

Please say in the email that you are participating at the NSPR Conference.

Street address: Gjørstadsgate 9


Deadline for booking: 7 April 2017.

Published Mar. 24, 2017 4:17 PM - Last modified Mar. 28, 2017 9:18 AM